Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I Found God At A Wedding...

See the sign? Isn't that so true?!

You ever notice that we invite God... even drag him, sometimes, to a wedding... with all of the "Love is patient, Love is kind" readings... the hymns or Godly songs... the pastors... the churches...

And then...

AFTER the vows are said,

and the toasts are made,

and the songs are played,

and the cake is cut,

and the gifts are opened,

(or returned!),

we FORGET and try to navigate this incredibly new and tough adventure called MARRIAGE all alone?!?!

We may attend church - we may even be "Christian" - but have we asked God to come INTO our marriage? To help, to counsel, to temper arguements, to provide advice (the Bible), to strengthen, to listen... do we ask Him into our marriage at all??

Last year, my husband and I attended "A Weekend To Remember" - a Christian Marriage Retreat sponsored by Family Life. Our marriage wasn't in any "trouble" - but we had good friends who had gone a few times and couldn't stop talking about it. Still, I was skeptical... what would this weekend be all about?!?! Could I really endure 3 days of Bible-beating sermons? What had I gotten myself into?!

I shouldn't have was fantastic! It was a weekend with witty and FUNNY speakers, open communication between my husband and I, and a date night! - It was kid-free, work-free, stress-FREE! And it focused on just my husband and me and what things we can do to strenghten our marriage, our faith, and our lives. One of my personal favorite passages (and one that was read at my own wedding!) is Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12 (New Living Translation):

Two people are better off than one,

for they can help each other succeed.

If one person falls, the other can reach out and help.

But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.

Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm.

But how can one be warm alone?

A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated,

but two can stand back-to-back and conquer.

Verse 13 adds this in:

Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

What if you imagined that "3rd" person being GOD?

How much stronger could the cord of your marriage be if you allowed God to be the 3rd rope? If you asked Him to weave Himself into your lives and your marriage? Any marital problems you may have will not "magically" disappear - but you will share this immense and complicated task called "marriage" with the Lord... THE LORD!... who you invited to the marriage ceremony and who is more than willing to join you and your spouse step-by-step, walking side-by-side with you... a third strand in your marriage cord... making you all the stronger. Invite Him over! He'll be an excellent houseguest, for sure! :)

Take care of you this week!
:) Mags

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Anonymous said...

LOVED this one Mags! I was actually sad when I checked your blog a few days ago and didn't see a new one. I loved the marriage comment in the beginning.

Lots of Love,
Cheryl :)

Heather S. said...

What a great reminder. That sounds like an awesome marriage getaway. Was it hard to talk David into going, or was it his idea? I took a Marriage Enhancement class when I was still in school, and Paul had to come with me during the "communication" segment. He was a pretty good sport about it, but I don't know how willing he would have been if it hadn't been part of my grade...